Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Oyt-meal" & "Moe-skeetos"

This morning while getting breakfast ready for everyone, my son tells me he would like some "oyt-meal".  Ok. Then he starts talking about Samantha's "Moe-skeeto" bites.  And to top it off, he wanted to keep his "Cahs" on the table while he ate.  Did I somehow manage to birth a child that is fluent in accents??

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Loose Tooth, Loose Tongue

So my daughter had her first loose tooth appear a few weeks ago.  It was a stubborn tooth, much like it's owner.  Wanted to take it's good ol time coming out.  This of course nagged at my husband like an old shrew, so he decided to take matters into his own hands, literally.

As I was enjoying a hot shower, I hear commotion just outside the curtain.  The doing was my husband coaxing the tooth out with a piece of tissue and a strong grip.  After a few tugs and twists - POP! - it was out.  I only really knew it was out when my daughter ripped open the shower curtain, and with a bloody mouth, screamed "OH MY GOD! MY TOOTH IS OUT!"  I was too excited (and a bit chilly since my hot shower was interrupted with a cold blast of air) to discipline her for using the Lord's name in vain.  She never says that phrase, it's always "Gosh" or "Goodness".  I am attributing her lack of holy courtesy to pure astonishment, as it was her FIRST tooth ever to come out.  Now it's a common sight, my toothless beauty, who thankfully, has tightened her tongue back.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mommy Revelations

When I first found out I was pregnant with my first child, several things hit me at once – astonishment, love, joy, worry, fear, happiness, that maternal drive for perfection. My daughter is five now and I’ve just realized that those feelings have never really gone away. Add to that a three year old son, and I’ve got one melting pot of emotion in my house.

The past few years of being a mother have been all I’ve hoped to be. Well, ok I guess I never really knew how I’d be as a mother – just had a vision of exactly how I wanted things to go. Then I actually became one and to be honest I can’t even remember what my vision was, it’s so far off. Being a mom is one of the most satisfying, frustrating, heart-swelling with pride and love roller coaster rides I have ever been on. It’s quite cliché to compare parenting with an adventure packed thrill object of sorts, but I can’t think of a more appropriate metaphor at all. Toss all the “ups”, “downs”, and the “twists and turns” with a little screaming, laughing, crying and wet pants, then mix it all up and top it with a few breathless moments, and you’ve got yourself the typical American family.

Yes, I am blessed to be a part of that wild ride. I have to admit that I see myself changing along side the growth of my kids. Not physical comparison of course, but definitely a mental and emotional growth. I laughed at myself the other day when I caught myself saying a simple ‘thank you’. What? you might ask – it’s true. It dawned on me at that precise moment just how much I actually try to remember those polite little gestures, as I am supposed to be setting an example of how to use manners for my children. But the fact is it’s really not that way at all. Before children, I remembered my manners in certain situations, and tried to be on the virtuous side of life, but I never actually was mindful of it. Fast forward a few years, and I have to be mindful of using my manners. Why? To instill good virtue and manners in my children’s lives obviously. However, it is my children who also set an example to me, in the form of a reminder to myself to practice what I preach. And that my friends is just the tip of the iceberg of all the revelations I’ve come across since becoming a mother – and it’s only been 5 years.

A huge revelation that occurred to me only recently, is that my children actually have little personalities of their own. Of course I am not ignorant and have read the books and been told how all children are born with their personalities and have already created a foundation of who they will become, while still in utero. Yes, I knew this, but I only really experienced it recently. And the crazy beautiful thing about it is that I love the diversity and eccentricity that are my kids. My daughter is something far off the map. In a good way of course. She has always been the lovely spark that she is. Again, I picked this up while she was an infant, but then I just thought it was the type of food she ate, or the stage she was going through. Not really because she was a sweet and powerful force to be reckoned with. I tell you her spirit is inspiring. She has such a deep mind, that while it can be exhausting to keep up with, she really is astonishing. My son on the other hand, seems to be the quieter one. And by quieter I don't necessarily mean vocally quiet, I just mean he's a tad more lax than his sister. He is the curious observer - almost always gets thing right on the first try, due to his study and need to try it. Quite the little lover too. Snuggles, hugs and kisses - it really is endearing. You really do just want to eat him up.

Sure parents brag about their kids all the time – how smart they are, how cute they are, how well behaved they are. And that is wonderful – you should feel that way about your kids. But I am not apart of other families, so of course I only know how to brag about my own kids. I look at these two completely separate people - little chromosomal versions of my husband and myself, and I think – wow I am completely responsible for these two individuals? Oh crap.